A. Shrugging in disapproval in a meeting
B. Pausing and sounding doubtful during a conversation
C. Sending emails
D. Hosting meetings
Answer choices:
1. C
2. All of the above
3. D
4. C and D only
82) Which of the following are means of communication?
A. Nodding your head in approval during a meeting
B. Yelling in disagreement during a meeting
C. Telephone conversation
D. Video conferencing
Answer choices:
1. C
2. All of the above
3. D
4. C and D only
83) Your company manufactures vitamins. Your supplier has informed you that he will be getting some ingredients from a new source and that would increase some of your costs. You schedule a meeting with him. Which of the following are considered communication skills?
A. You ask about the new ingredients and identify the sources
B. You listen to the supplier who confirms that there will be no change in the quality of the new ingredients
C. You negotiate a price that will work for both you and the supplier
D. You tell the supplier that he would still have to stick with the same delivery guidelines set up earlier with the old source
Answer choices:
1. C
2. All of the above
3. D
4. A
84) A project with 21 stakeholders has how many communication channels?
A. 22
B. 231
C. 21
D. 210
Answer choices:
1. C
2. None of the above
3. D
4. B
85) The sequence of steps in a basic communication model are:
A. Encode, Transmit Message, Decode, Acknowledge, Feedback
B. Transmit Message, Encode, Decode, Acknowledge, Feedback
C. Transmit Message, Encode, Acknowledge, Decode, Feedback
D. Decode, Transmit Message, Encode, Acknowledge, Feedback
Answer choices:
1. C
2. None of the above
3. A
4. B
86) As the assisting research associate, you are working late Friday evening on some experiments. Your professor is on vacation. You have some questions on the experiments your professor has designed and send him an email. You get the automated ‘Out of office’ response from his mail box. You decide to work on something else till he responds.
Which of the following steps of basic communication have been accomplished?
A. Encode, Transmit Message, Acknowledge
B. Encode, Transmit Message, Decode, Acknowledge
C. Encode, Transmit Message, Decode, Feedback
D. Decode, Transmit Message, Encode, Acknowledge, Feedback
Answer choices:
1. A
2. None of the above
3. C
4. B
87) Which of the following are examples of ‘Encode’ in basic communication?
A. Writing an email
B. Asking questions in a meeting
C. Responding to questions in a meeting
D. Meeting with colleagues for lunch
Answer choices:
1. A, B
2. None of the above
3. C
4. D
88) Which of the following are examples of ‘Decode’ in basic communication?
A. Replying to an email
B. Understanding questions asked in a meeting
C. Responding to questions in a meeting
D. Meeting with colleagues for lunch
89) Which of the following are examples of ‘Feedback’ in basic communication?
A. Replying to an email
B. Understanding questions asked in a meeting
C. Responding to questions in a meeting
D. Meeting with colleagues for lunch
Answer choices:
1. A, C
2. B
3. None of the above
4. D
90) You sent emoticons in your email to your colleague. Due to differences in the email software used by your colleague and you, he just received some junk characters. This is an example of:
A. Decode
B. Transmit message
C. Compromise
D. Noise
Answer choices:
1. A
2. B
3. None of the above
4. D
91) You are in a teleconference with your team and your team members are not able to hear you clearly. They say your voice seems garbled. This is an example of:
A. Decode
B. Transmit message
C. Compromise
D. Noise
Answer choices:
1. A
2. B
3. None of the above
4. D
92) You are the project manager of a team working on an embedded chip development project. Engineer A has been with the company for a long time and is not delivering quality work to schedule. This is impacting project timelines and project output. Which of the following are effective team-building techniques to resolve this issue?
a. Call for a team meeting and blame Engineer A who hasn’t been delivering so he will feel guilty and work harder
b. Threaten Engineer A with poor performance reviews if he doesn’t deliver
c. Handle this as a team issue without blaming Engineer A and encourage his commitment
d. Assign a different engineer to work and deliver what Engineer A was supposed to work on thus avoiding conflict
Answer choices:
1. A and B
2. D
3. None of the above
4. C
93) Your new team member who is unfamiliar with the meeting scheduling software says she sent a meeting invite to the team and copied you on the invite. But you did not receive it. The network in your office has been up and down lately. This could have compromised the delivery of the message and can generally be stated as:
A. Noise
B. Lack of language proficiency
C. Messaging
D. Communication
Answer choices:
1. A
2. B
3. None of the above
4. D
94) Your weekly status update to the stakeholders wasn’t sent as the email server was down for unscheduled maintenance and the message was lost due to technical issues. This can generally be stated as:
A. Noise
B. Lack of technology
C. Messaging
D. Communication
Answer choices:
1. A
2. B
3. None of the above
4. D
95) You ask your team member a quick question over instant message which he answers. This is an example of:
A. Push communication
B. Pull communication
C. Interactive communication
D. Push-pull communication
96) Which of the below are examples of interactive communication?
A. Teleconference
B. Video conference
C. Face-to-face meetings
D. Broadcast message
Answer choices:
1. A, B, C
2. None of the above
3. All of the above
4. A, B, D
97) Which of the below are examples of push communication?
A. Weekly status reports
B. A fax sent to the supplier
C. An update on your project blog site
D. Broadcast message
Answer choices:
1. A, B, C
2. None of the above
3. All of the above
4. A, B, D
98) You call one of your team members to check something. He is not available at his desk. You leave him a voice mail. This is an example of:
A. Push communication
B. Pull communication
C. Interactive communication
D. Push-pull communication
Answer choices:
1. C
2. D
3. A
4. B
99) Which of the below are examples of pull communication?
A. Uploading a design document to your project’s repository for people to check out (Ex. SharePoint)
B. A web-based course
C. An update on your project blog site
D. Broadcast message
Answer choices:
1. A, B
2. None of the above
3. All of the above
4. A, B, D
100) Which of the following can be considered meetings?
A. A gathering of stakeholders in a prearranged time and place with a set agenda
B. A casual discussion with stakeholders over lunch
C. A face-to-face meeting in an offsite location
D. A teleconference
Answer choices:
1. A, C
2. None of the above
3. All of the above
4. A, C, D
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